"Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever... it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything." - Aaron Siskind

About Mele

My name is Melesa (pronounced Muh-lee-suh), I am 31 (eek!) years old and I live in Carlsbad, New Mexico.  I am an enthusiastic mother of three energetic kids who I am always chasing (with a camera around my neck a lot of the time), and a proud wife to a Chiropractor. A few things I love are fresh pineapple, the color aqua, and gardening.  I have a list a mile long of hobbies I enjoy, mostly because I love to try new things.  I enjoy being outdoors and traveling with my husband, in fact, we have hiking the Appalachian Trail and learning to surf in Hawaii on our to-do list. 
I was raised in a small town in Arizona and even though I've moved around the country and have lived in many large cities, I'm a country girl at heart.  I'd love nothing more than to live in wide open spaces and be able to teach my kids about real living.  I am passionate about my faith, my freedom, my family, my health, and my creativity.  Life is all about making the very best out of what you have and loving life, right now!
My love of photography began as a young child when received my very first camera for my 10th birthday.  Always having a camera with me became part of who I was and continued all through high school.  I received my first SLR film camera as a gift when I was a senior in high school jumped at the chance to take a photography class.  I learned the fundamentals of photography and also how to process and develop my own film in a dark room.  I loved it!  During college, as film photography quickly switched over to digital, my starving student budget left me dreaming about photography more than actually participating in it.  Finally several years, a wedding, putting my husband through school and three kids later, I am getting back in the groove of things and loving every minute of it.  Moments today with my camera become tomorrow's memories, so have fun taking a look at life through my lens!

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